Cave 0.9.96 Release Notes

Hello everyone! 

Dev here and I've just released Version 0.9.96! It was actually going to be called "0.9.9f", but some users pointed that increasing the path number would make more sense, and I agreed. :)

This version is backward compatible with your current 0.9.9 projects, so you can safely update to it. It brings some interesting highlights, fixes and performance improvements, specially for the ones with older Graphic Cards (that was not able to run the engine before). I'm working on the UI as well, since I'm getting a lot of reports regarding the font looking pixelated on Higher PPI (or DPI) monitors. It's actually an easy fix: just zooming in the Editor UI, but it still causes some repeared reports, so I'm improving it and making it more intuitive.

New Packages and Splash Screen!

But the main Highlight, in my opinion, is the new Project Browser Splash Screen and the newly updates PACKAGES that comes with the engine! Check it out:

The character in the screenshot is called "Proto Character", a prototyping manequim provided by the artist Luendey Aguiar for you to get it started in your projects. It also comes with some default animations. The other new package is the Test Grid (shown in the image as well).

NOTE: Due to this new Package, the engine download size increased a bit (now it's about ~30Mb), but this will NOT impact your games, it's only due to the Package.

Change Log (0.9.96)

Here is the full Change Log, highlighting the main new things:

Editor and UX Improvements:

  • Packages: New Proto Character + Test Grid
  • Changed the Splash Screen and Default Thumbnail
  • Improved the Mesh Thumbnail Bounding Box Generation
  • UI: Now the FontScale you use is stored in Disk
  • UI: Now you can Adjust the Font Scale in Proj Browser


  • Added More Error Handling + OpenGL Compatibility Stuff
  • Changed Cave Version to 0.9.96


  • Fix: Wrong Shadows when out of Shadow Box Bounds
  • Fix: Localization File Missing Error
  • Fix: Editor Zoom was not working in ProjectBrowser
  • Fix: Text Editor Zoom was not enough
  • Internal: Updated Glad to OpenGL 3.3 Core (this fixes some Graphic Card issues)


Cave Engine 30 MB
Jul 30, 2023

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simplesmente nao abre:

Quero migrar meu projeto para essa engine

É no meu monitor a fonte ficou estranha , eu procurei onde aumentar e nao achei , depois tentar aumentar segurando o ctrl + Scroll, deu certo, a tela ficou piscando tmb algumas vezes , mas eu teria que testar mais antes de relatar pra vc 

No Project Browser, logo abaixo da Imagem de Capa, existe agora um slider para você dar Zoom na Interface também! Isso foi adicionado para ajudar nessa questão da fonte. Depois faz o teste aí e me diz se resolveu, blz?